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School history


Public Institution Professional School no. 4 from Balti was founded on January 19, 1972, with the status of Town Technical Vocational School No. 41, by Order No. 24/II of 19.01.1972 issued jointly by the Ministry of Motor Transport of the MSSR and the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the MSSR for Technical Vocational Education.

In 1984 the Town Technical Vocational School No. 41 was reorganized, by Order of the State Committee for Technical Vocational Education of the MSSR No. 70 of 9 July 1984, into Technical Vocational School No. 49, town Balti.

In 1997 the Technical Vocational School No. 49 was reorganized, according to the Government Decision No. 795 of 20 August and the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 338 of 01 September, into the Multipurpose Vocational School No. 4, in the city of. Balti.

In 2003 the Multipurpose Vocational School No. 4 was reorganized, by Government Decision of the Republic of Moldova No. 1371 of 17 November and Order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova No. 532 of 24 November, into Vocational School No. 4 from Balti.

The Public Institution Vocational School no. 4 from Balti trains qualified specialists in the following fields:

- Energy and electrical engineering;

- Mechanics and metal processing;

- Motor vehicles, ships and aircrafts.